Our customized tool to help you discover how much you can save with TecBlu.
Average monthly kilometers per vehicle
Average price per liter of diesel
Cost of TecBlu per liter of diesel
Average diesel consumption in L/100 km
Average monthly diesel consumption in liters per vehicle without TecBlu
Average monthly diesel costs per vehicle without TecBlu
Average monthly costs for TecBlu per vehicle
Savings in %
New average monthly consumption of diesel
New average monthly diesel costs
Average monthly savings after deducting the cost of TecBlu
Savings in %
Number of vehicles
Average savings per month for fleet
Average savings per quarter for fleet
Average savings per year for fleet
Heating oil price
Heating oil consumption in liters
Cost of TecBlu per liter of heating oil
Cost of TecBlu
Savings in %
Savings in liters
Savings in CHF
Savings after deducting the cost of TecBlu
CO₂ savings in tons
Simply add the amount indicated on the bottle and start saving money while protecting the environment!